The philosophy of Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School’s athletic program is to contribute to the physical, mental, and social development of the student. This goal is to be obtained through physical education classes, extracurricular sports, sports days, and other interscholastic athletic activities. A proper balance between these activities should be maintained so that all students who want to participate are provided with opportunities. The program provides for the development of a student’s physical skills, social skills, and emotional stability. The young person is the key focus, not simply “winning.”
Depending on the interest of students, Saint Rose students can participate in the following sports: Soccer, Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Hockey, Swimming (Grades 1-8; must be able to stroke swim the length of the pool), Baseball, Softball, and Track (Grades 4-8).
Unless noted above, all extracurricular sports activities and opportunities are for students in Grades 5 through 8. However, the Athletic Director has the discretion to create a full Saint Rose of Lima team using students from Grade 4, and then Grade 3 as needed.
Other sports may be offered as interest warrants. Please note that some teams may include students from other area private schools.
If you have any questions about athletics, please contact our Athletic Director, Mike Sullwold, at [email protected]
The Booster Club is a parent organization that uses all of the proceeds from its fundraisers to support the athletic program at Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School. This includes but is not limited to equipment, uniforms, and other needs as defined by the organization, Athletic Director, and Principal. The Booster Club hosts an annual Athletic Banquet to recognize both the athletes and coaches for a great year.
Booster Club Bylaws
To contact the Booster Club, please email [email protected].