Is My Child Well Enough to Attend School?
Saint Rose of Lima Health Guidelines
Medical Excuse-
If a student has been absent for more than three consecutive school days or more than six days in a trimester for a medical reason, the office must be provided a medical excuse from the health care professional (e.g. doctor, physician’s assistant, or dentist).
The State of Minnesota provides funding for a nurse who is in our building part-time each week. The nurse provides vision and hearing screening as well as a screening for scoliosis. School health records are also maintained by the nurse. Our nurse can be reached by emailing [email protected].
Minnesota Law requires students to be immunized against certain diseases or have a signed, legal medical or conscientious exemption kept in the student health record. These requirements apply to all students whether they attend public schools, private schools, or home schools. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the school health office in order for the student to enroll or remain enrolled.
If a parent or guardian objects to immunizations for either medical or personal reasons, a notarized statement is needed on the Student Immunization form. The notarized statement specifies the immunization(s) the child will not be receiving.
Download the Student Immunization Form or request the form from the office. This form is the official document for recording immunizations and objections to having your child immunized.
Prescription Medication:
If a child is on prescription medication, our preference is to have the parents administer the medication at home. If this is not possible due to the doctor's instructions, please contact the office. Non- prescription medication will not be provided by the school. If parents would like to have the office staff give their child ibuprofen, acetaminophen, cough drops, etc., they must send the medication to the health office in a ziplock bag with the child’s name and grade level clearly marked.