As a Catholic School, our major and most enjoyable contribution to the education of our students is the delivery of the message of Christ through regularly scheduled religion classes and all school or grade‑level liturgical services. The Religious Education Program provides sessions for sacramental preparation for the entire parish. The students and parents of Saint Rose School have the opportunity to attend these classes. Religion is an integral part of our curriculum and Catholic and Christian values, doctrines, and teachings are interwoven across our curriculum. All students, Catholics as well as those of other faiths, are expected to participate in our religion program. Religion is also taught as a focal subject each day, and teachers are encouraged to begin each class with prayer. Religion teachers at Saint Rose are of the Catholic faith.
All students attend all-school Masses. In second grade, our Catholic students are prepared for and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Students in grades three through eight participate in Reconciliation during Lent and Advent.